Hutihuti e! Ka tau e
Hutihuti e! Ka tau e

Tipatipa kia pae ngā pukepuke
Tuputupu e Nuku
Whitiwhiti e Rangi
Ka hua e Rongo
Ka nui e Rongo ē – auē
E tupu ē

As part of our Whenua Ora programme, Karioi is our commitment to a 20-year transition towards tikanga-led farming practices across our portfolio of businesses.

Karioi aims to:

  • reconnect our whānau to the whenua

  • foster whānau and local food resilience in our community

  • revitalise indigenous food knowledge systems including preserving and sharing seeds

  • build evidence and knowledge on the impact of our tikanga-led practices on soils, water,
    and crops. 

Te Māra o Puanga Kairau, our māra (garden), was developed to grow indigenous crops. The māra was
given its name to recognise the significance of the harvest star Puanga to Motueka, and to recognise the
whakatuakī Puanga kairau; Puanga of abundance.

Latest updates on Karioi

Karioi: connecting to whenua

Karioi: a year in Te Māra o Puanga Kairau


Karioi - Introduction


Karioi - Maramataka


Rōpata explaining the name of the māra

Karioi - Harvest 2020


Karioi - Pūkeko Customary Harvest


Aimee Porteners - Food Sovereignty