Tuia i runga
Tuia i raro
Tuia i roto
Tuia i waho
Tuia te here tangata
Ka rongo te pō, ka rongo te ao,
Haumi e, hui e, tāiki e
E te whānau e ngākaunui ana ki tō tātou reo rangatira, tēnā tātou katoa.
We invite all Wakatū whānau who are interested in exploring te reo Māori initiatives in Te Tau Ihu in 2019 and beyond, to come along to an evening hui at Wakatū House, Rāapa 26 Hui-tanguru (Tuesday 26 February) at 5.30pm.
We’ll be exploring ways we can work together as a whānau, with our tamariki and kaumātua, to further build and develop our taonga – te reo rangatira. No matter where you are in your journey with te reo Māori, from beginner to expert, we welcome your ideas and input. Nau mai, haere mai!
Paramanawa (light refreshments) will be provided. So we know how many to cater for, please let us know if you plan to come by ringing 03 546 8648 or emailing