We are now entering into the second week of New Zealand’s Alert Level 4 COVID-19 response. 

We know that the current restrictions will be impacting everyone in different ways, and I hope you and your whānau are finding ways to manage and support one another. 

I wanted to give you a quick update on how we are going as an organisation.  

Later in the week, Paul Morgan, our Chairman, will provide more detailed information about the different ways we are keeping our Wakatū whānau connected and the work that is going on across Te Tauihu, with your whānau, hapū and iwi entities. 

Registered as an essential business  

Because we are food producers and we are part of the primary industry, the New Zealand Government has deemed our organisation an Essential Business. 

In these challenging times, one of the most important things we can do as food producers, is to keep producing and manufacturing food for our communities – here at home and around the world.

Unlike many businesses across Aotearoa New Zealand, we are privileged because we are able to keep working – and keep feeding and supporting people, consistent with our values of rangatiratanga and manaakitanga. 

In order to operate as an Essential Business, we have changed our practices in all areas to manage the risks associated with COVID-19, and to keep our staff safe and well. 

Stringent measures are in place and we are following all official guidelines and protocols carefully.  Our priority is the collective health and wellbeing of our teams, no matter where in our organisation they work.

The Annies and Seafood factories and the Tohu winery are all operational.  At our vineyards, Whenua Awa and Whenua Matua, there are only a few more weeks to go before Vintage 2020 ends.

Kono Horticulture is mid-harvest. 

The Whenua and Auora teams are operating from their home offices. 

Wakatū Corporate Services (AMO - comprising of the Business Service Centre, Human Resources and Manaaki, Legal, Owners’ Liaison and Business Technology) and Kono Corporate Services are all also working from home to support our organisation. 

Our front-line administrator, Tina Thompson has linked the Wakatū office number to her home office and she is available from 9am – 5pm. 

Tina will manage our 'front desk' from home for the duration of the restrictions, so you can still contact us on 03 546 8648 or by email on info@wakatu.org

COVID-19 advice for Māori

Te Rōpu Whakakaupapa Urutā has been set up to provide information and resources specifically for Māori about the COVID-19 pandemic. This information has been developed by leading Māori medical experts for whānau Māori. As well as the website www.uruta.maori.nz, you can also connect via their Facebook page www.facebook.com/TRWU20

If you haven’t already, please make contact with your iwi entity here in Te Tauihu – they are all working hard to ensure they reach out and support iwi members, and there are many wonderful initiatives underway.  The details for our iwi entities or organisations are:
Ngāti Rārua
Ngāti Tama
Ngāti Koata
Te Ātiawa

For those living in Nelson and Tasman there is a COVID-19 helpline for those who need urgent welfare assistance such as food and clothing.

Call 0800 50 50 75 and press 1 for Nelson and 2 for Tasman - the teams can work out what help is right for the situation.

Please continue to take care of one another, and yourselves. These coming weeks will be a challenge, but the collective support and kindness we show to our whānau and our wider community will help see us through. 

If you have a positive story to share about what you and your whānau are doing over this time, we would love to hear from you.
Noho ora mai

Kerensa Johnston
Wakatū CEO