Latest updates on our journey to reduce waste to landfill

Hop Federation

At Hop Federation the team have removed the use of plastic wrap when transporting grains between the warehouse and our brewery and replacing the plastic wrap with strops to secure the bags on pallets. The strops are reusable and are taken back to the warehouse to be used for the next lot of grain.

Spent grain is also diverted from landfill as it is given to farmers for stockfeed or compost.

Kono Horticulture

The team at Kono Horticulture are using compostable twine instead of plastic for training hop bines. The twine is composted offsite. Plastic tree tube ties have also been removed from the orchard and replaced with metal clips. The team have also begun swapping out tanalised timber posts with steel and Douglas Fir posts.

At Horticulture we provide each team member with a branded stainless-steel reusable bottle equipped with a carabiner for easy attachment to tree wires during work. Additionally, a ban on the use of plastic and glass bottles on site has been implemented to discourage single-use plastic, reduce plastic bottle litter in orchards, and filling up the waste bins.

Composting food scraps

Food scraps are collected at several work sites across our organisation and composted or sent to local pig farmers.

Wakatū and Kono events

Events such as Matariki, SGMs, AGMs are great examples of the work we are doing to reduce waste sent to landfill. We have beautifully set tables with nothing disposable – glass jugs and glasses for water, along with real crockery and cutlery.