Wakatu Incorporation

Actively involved in the lives of whānau whānui, the wider community, and business development, Wakatū has a big agenda.


The latest news and updates from Wakatū Incorporation.

Te Pae Tawhiti

Te Pae Tawhiti is our 500-year intergenerational plan. It establishes the guiding vision for our future.

The key principles of Te Pae Tawhiti are embedded in all activities across Wakatū Group. Our five long term goals are designed to implement Te Pae Tawhiti. They focus on whānau (our people), pūtea (building value), ngākau hihiko (the ethic of agility and innovation), papa whenua (preserving our whenua and taonga), and taiao (whenua ora and tangata ora). All of our cultural and commercial activities align with the five goals.

Our Businesses



Kono NZ LP, an associated business of Wakatū, is a food and beverage producer and exporter of premium wine, beer, cider, pipfruit and hops.

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Whenua (land) is the foundation of Wakatū and is where 70% of our assets are held. Our purpose is to preserve and enhance this taonga (treasure) for the benefit of current and future generations.



AuOra is our consumer-focused, health-solutions business with the focus on active ingredients and wellbeing solutions, obtained from the natural resources of Wakatū.