We are pleased to share with you that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Saturday 2 December 2023, 9.00am at the Trafalgar Centre in Nelson.
The AGM is an opportunity to share with you our work over the last year and plans for the future. This year we will be meeting kanohi ki te kanohi, but will also have a password protected online streaming link available to those who cannot be there in person.
Below you'll find all the information you need to know about attending this year's AGM either in-person or online, including a link to RSVP.
We look forward to joining you in person and online and reporting on the progress of the last year.
RSVP to Annual General Meeting
We are working towards a goal of achieving zero waste at our events, so for catering purposes please advise how many attendees you wish to RSVP on behalf of for this year’s AGM.
Please RSVP by Monday 16 November 2023 using the RSVP button below.
Proxy Forms
If you’re not able to attend the meeting and want to nominate someone to vote on your behalf, please download and complete the Proxy form via the button below.
Any person of full age and capacity (OTHER THAN a member of the Committee of Management (Board) or a person who has consented to be nominated as a member of the Committee of Management) may be appointed as the proxy of a Shareholder.
Please note: Completed proxy forms must be received (either by post or by email) no later than 48 hours before the AGM, meaning by 9.00am Thursday 30 November 2023. Post completed forms to Wakatū Incorporation, PO Box 440, Nelson, 7040 or email Katrina.Bensemann@wakatu.org
Registration for shareholders
On the day of the AGM, all shareholders will need to register their attendance with Te Tāhuhu - our Owner liaison team. Registration for the AGM is easier if you bring your shareholder number with you.
Everyone who brings their shareholder number with them will go into the draw to win one of two mystery prizes, drawn on the day of the AGM.
If you don’t know your shareholder number, please get in touch before the AGM by phone
(03) 546 8648 or by email on korero@wakatu.org
AGM Livestream
If you are unable to attend in person, there will be a livestream available for Owners and whānau to watch. The livestream will begin at 9.00am on Saturday 2 December and will be password protected so that only Wakatū shareholders and whānau can access it.
If you cannot attend the AGM in-person and would like to access the livestream link, you can register by emailing Tina Thompson, clicking the button below or calling (03) 546 8648.
Please note: you will need a shareholder number to register for the livestream.
Once you have registered for the livestream you will be sent confirmation with the link details.
Registrations for the livestream must be completed by 9am Friday 1 December 2023.
Save the Dates for 2024
To help with your planning, we're also letting you know that our Special General Meeting will be held on Saturday 23 March 2024 in Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington). Venue to be confirmed shortly.
Our Annual General Meeting in 2024 will be held on Saturday 30 November 2024 at the Trafalgar Centre in Whakatū (Nelson). Further information regarding these events will be sent out next year.
Photographer: Erica Sinclair
Staying Connected
Are all your whānau getting information about Wakatū? Please make sure you share the information in this pānui with your whānau connected to Wakatū.
We encourage everyone connected to Wakatū to join our e-pānui list and to follow us on www.facebook.com/Wakatu.
That way we can keep everyone in touch with opportunities such as scholarships, wānanga, news about our whānau whānui, and Whenua, Kono and AuOra, your businesses.
To join our e-pānui list, email Tina Thompson with your name and email address, using E-pānui in the subject line.
If you have changed your postal address, email or bank account, please email LeeAnne Hawea Te Hira or call 03 546 8648.