Kia ora koutou e te whānau o Wakatū,
Please see below the key messages from our latest Wakatū Board hui, held on Friday 30 June.
Wakatū Board. Photo Credit Kate MacPherson
Our Board Kōrero – key messages
June 2023, Wakatū Board meeting
In summary, please see the highlights below:
The Board reviewed the draft annual budget and annual plans for 2023/2024; which will be adopted at the next Wakatū Board meeting.
Work is underway on the review of our investment framework and policy, which will align with the recently adopted 5-year business and investment plan.
Following the sale of the New Zealand Greenshell Mussel assets, a Group restructure of corporate services has taken place across Wakatū, this is now complete with all roles confirmed. Kono now consists of Kono Horticulture, Kono Wines & viticulture as well as the Hop Federation businesses. They remain essential parts of the Wakatū Group.
A governance review is underway and will be complete by the end of the financial year, with the outcome to be reported to owners.
Our Making the Tenths whole strategy (Te Here-ā-Nuku) was discussed, noting that we are in the Wellington High Court on Monday 14th August for the remedies hearing, which will determine questions of breach, the Crown’s liability, and any defences the Crown may wish to argue. The board noted the significance of the proceedings for ngā uri (the owners of the Nelson Tenths’ Reserves) and the mahi that will be required in 2024, following the High Court’s decision.
The Board received the report on our progress to implement our Whenua Ora goals, which reflect our core value of kaitiakitanga; the board noted our journey with respect to Toitū accreditation and the draft carbon emissions reduction plan, which is due for adoption this year
The board noted with appreciation, the recent acknowledgement of Erica Henare, Ngāti Kahungunu and Ngāti Maniapoto, who is our Pipfruit and Kiwifruit Manager at Kono. Erica was named as a Finalist in the 2023 Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Competition. This is the first time in the history of the competition that three wāhine Māori have been selected as finalists. The Ahuwhenua Trophy for Excellence in Māori Horticulture recognises and celebrates Māori who work with the sun, soil and water to grow kai. Erica Henare's achievement serves as an inspiration for Māori women in New Zealand Horticulture. Ka rawe Erica, what an amazing achievement!
Finally, the Board reviewed the preliminary results of the Owner and whānau survey – ngā mihi to all of those whānau who have responded so far. We will report on the survey findings soon. The survey closes on 12th July, please send in your responses before then to go into the prize draw to win one of three prezzy cards to the value of $250.00.
Mauri Ora!