Kia ora koutou e te whānau o Wakatū,

We’re pleased to let you know that nominations for positions on the Wakatū Board (Committee of Management) are now open.

Our Board, comprising of seven elected Directors, sets the strategic direction for Wakatū. Directors are appointed for a standard term of three years. To ensure continuity and stability at the Board level, while also allowing opportunities for the election of new Directors, the expiry of Director terms is staggered.

This year the terms of three directors (Johnny McGregor, Jeremy Banks and Miriana Stephens) will expire at the 2024 AGM. All three are eligible for re-election for a further term of office and have confirmed that they will stand for re-election. 

In addition to the three seats available by rotation, this year there are also two vacated seats or ‘special vacancies’. These have modified terms with the balance of the original three-year term to be served.   

This means that at the 2024 AGM the following positions are available:

We are now calling for nominations for these positions, and warmly encourage those who wish to stand to support the work of Wakatū and the development of our whānau to apply.

Please note, the Board seats will be allocated according to the number of votes received. This means the three candidates who receive the highest votes will receive the three-year term seats; the fourth-ranking candidate will receive the two-year term seat, and the fifth-ranked candidate will receive the one-year term seat.

Criteria for those wishing to stand for the Committee of Management

  • The role of a Board member is an important and significant role. Any person considering standing for this role must be aware of the roles and responsibilities of Committee of Management members under the relevant legislation and have the experience and expertise required to govern effectively. Please see the criteria below for those wishing to stand.


Committee of Management members cannot be:

  • under the age of 18;

  • an undischarged bankrupt;

  • subject to a property order under Section 30 or 31 of the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act (or has a trustee corporation managing the person’s property under section 32 or 33 of that Act);

  • prohibited from being a director, general partner or promoter under certain statutory provisions, or prohibited from being involved in the management of a company or limited partnership under certain statutory provisions; or

  • a person convicted of any offence punishable by imprisonment for a term of 6 months or more (unless that person has served the sentence or otherwise suffered the penalty imposed upon that person).


Nominations for candidates for the Committee of Management


  • All nominations must be made by an Owner in writing and signed by both the nominator and the nominee.  

  • We have included a nomination form with this pānui. Forms are also available on the Owners’ Portal ( ), by emailing or by phoning (03) 546 8648. 

  • Completed nomination forms must be lodged by 5pm, Thursday 12 September 2024 by emailing or by posting to Nominations, Wakatū Incorporation, PO Box 440, Nelson 7040.


A reminder that the Board has appointed to manage the end-to-end delivery of our elections, ensuring our voting process is fair, transparent, and secure (online, postal and in person voting).

You can read more about this in the accompanying letter.

You can read more about the Wakatū Board on our website

If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact us by email or by phone +64 3 546 8648.

If you have any questions about the election process, please contact by email or by phone +64 3 377 3530.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Kerensa Johnston

Tumu Whakarae
