Tītiro whakamuri, haere whakamua
You know not your future until you know your past

Every year we hold wānanga for our taiohi, with girls and boys wānanga held in alternate years.

In 2024, the Taiohi wānanga is for our kōhine (young women) who whakapapa to a Wakatū Tūpuna, are currently in school, and are aged 13-18 years. 

The wānanga will take place on 30 September 2024 - 4 October 2024 during the school holidays.

The wānanga will be marae-based and includes excursions into the Abel Tasman National Park by water and track.

The wānanga covers

  • physical activities such as waka

  • leadership

  • environmental responsibility

  • waiata

  • goal setting

  • career pathways

  • an overview of Wakatū and its associated businesses.

Taking part in the wānanga helps our young people build connections with the whenua, their history, their whānau whānui, and Wakatū Incorporation.

Applications are now open and close on Monday 29 July 2024.

If you have any questions about the application process or the wānanga, please contact Ihaka Griffin-Matthews by email ihaka.griffinmatthews@wakatu.org or  call +64 3 546 8648.
