Thank you to all of our whānau who participated in our recent Special General Meeting (SGM) held in Nelson on 11 May 2024.  We had a great turnout, in person, online and by way of proxy voting. Thank you to all those who were unable to attend, and instead submitted proxy votes. It is important that all Owners participate and vote in matters relating to your Incorporation. Your voice and vote matter. 

At the SGM held in Nelson on 11 May 2024, we asked our whānau to consider a Special Resolution to approve online and postal voting for the Committee of Management elections.

The purpose of this special resolution is to enable greater Owner inclusion and participation in the decision-making affairs of Wakatū by allowing online and postal voting for our Owners, particularly for those who are not able to attend hui in person.

The Special Resolution put to the SGM was:

“THAT the shareholders approve voting in relation to election to the Committee of Management, to include voting online or by post, as well as in person or by proxy at the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting, and any such vote will be determined on shareholding.”

Voting online and in person would be additional methods to those we currently have in place and would therefore enable greater participation. These methods are also consistent with the practice of other modern incorporations and entities.

Resolution successful

There was significant support for the resolution at the SGM and the resolution was passed. 

The formal results are:

  • 158 shareholders voted for the resolution, representing 78.61% of shareholders and 53.5% of the shareholding present or represented by proxy at the meeting;

  • 43 shareholders voted against the resolution, representing 21.39% of shareholders and 46.5% of the shareholding present or represented by proxy at the meeting;

  • In total, 201 shareholders voted in person or by proxy at the 11 May 2024 SGM

Next steps

The new online and postal voting process will be in place for the 2024 AGM.  Shareholders will still be able to vote in person and by proxy vote.

More information will be shared before the 30 November AGM about voting processes, and how to vote online or by post for those who cannot attend the AGM in person.

Once again, thank you to all who voted at the SGM on 11 May 2024. As a Board, we are pleased that the resolution passed. The participation of Owners is fundamental to the success and progress of Wakatū and we look forward to more Owners being able to have a say with the introduction of these additional methods of voting. 

Ngā mihi,

Johnny McGregor
Chair, Wakatū Incorporation